About Eva Aszalos and Hajnalka Aszalos’ art on eggs in general:
These paintings on goose eggs are works of two individual artists who paint in the Art Nouveau Style, with classical shaded painting technic that professionally is a great challenge. They work on their own designs so all these works are unique hand-painted little pieces of art-work.
In many of their works they use colours that contain precious metal, (especially gold) and their works present a large variety in their selection of themes, so among these decorated eggs you can find from the Viking ships and helmets to the different animals (stags, owls and fish..), from the Easter decorated eggs and the Christmas eggs which can be put on the Christmas tree as a beautiful decoration, to the heart-shaped jewel and ”golden eggs” with laces, and the interesting representation of the twelve zodiac signs. Their paintings on eggs have been exhibited in many international and professional exhibitions of high level in Hungary and Germany and so their art on eggs have reached to many European countries.