Farger av Mexico. Hus eller hytte tepper.

av Magui Hilton
Ulla som blir laget om til garn blir farget med alfalfa blader, mose, granateplets tørre skall, frukten fra akasie tre, bungavilla blomster, larver, parasitter, kaktus, indigo blader , osv. www.hiltonartimports.com/artisans-and-products Our soft wool and colorful organic rugs are the result of a hand waved process in a pre-Hispanic loom. Every color emerges after many hours of boiling the wool with different plants and roots. Colors will never go away due to the sealing process with natural fruit juice. The wool comes from the Ovis aries Linnaeus sheep. The different design patterns you can appreciate in each rug are a codified language that tells us about how the author of it perceived his personal relationship with the Supreme Creator and how to gain his favor. Pyramids around Mexico also contain several of those graphics and/or codes.

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